A Mass on Edmund's Feast Day
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Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice - 5th May
PDF version of this Mass to celebrate Edmund's feast day
Welcoming words
We gather together to focus and reflect upon the person of Blessed Edmund Rice. Today, his feast day is a time to celebrate the wealth of selflessness that he possessed and passed on to those he came into contact with. We celebrate his life, love, Spirituality and Charism. We give thanks for his vision and mission, the raising up of the poor and the oppressed to be pillars of Christ's presence in our world, a system of education and a network of schools were the student is at the heart of the process and Gospel values permeate the entire school community.
Penitential Rite
For the times we have failed in love and compassion,
We ask your pardon Lord - Lord, have mercy.
For the times we have failed to show courage in the face of injustice,
We ask your pardon, Lord, - Christ, have mercy.
For the times we have failed to forgive the hurts and wrongs done to us,
We ask your pardon Lord - Lord, have mercy.
Opening Prayer (Collect)
O God, you raised up Blessed Edmund Rice to serve Christ in those suffering from poverty and injustice; grant, we pray that following his example, we may be faithful servants of your truth and love. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading: Isaiah 42: 1-2, 4
Responsorial Psalm:
Will you let me be Your Servant?
Here I am Lord,
Be not afraid,
How can I repay the Lord.
Second Reading: Ephesians 3: 14-19
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia. It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit. Alleluia.
Gospel Reading: John 15: 1-8, 12-14
Prayers of the Faithful
1. For the universal Church, that it may ever more fully and eagerly embrace its mission to proclaim the Gospel to all the world through the witness of service love.
We pray to the Lord .... Lord, hear our prayer.
2. For all who follow in the footsteps of Blessed Edmund Rice: the Presentation and Christian Brothers, and all members of the ER Network, that they may respond with the same courage and generosity to the call of Christ to the marginalized and outcast of our own day.
We pray to the Lord .... Lord, hear our prayer.
3. For each us, called to one Discipleship, that the life of Blessed Edmund may encourage and inspire us to love one another as Christ has commanded us.
We pray to the Lord .... Lord, hear our prayer.
4. For the young, to whom Blessed Edmund devoted his life, especially those on the fringes of our educational system, that they may hear Christ's call to grow and bear fruit through the witness and ministry of others.
We pray to the Lord .... Lord, hear our prayer.
5. For all who suffer disability and illness, that they may find healing through the love and care of others and may the compassion they awaken be a source of renewal in our world.
We pray to the Lord .... Lord, hear our prayer.
6. For all who suffer oppression and injustice, that they may know hope through the witness and courage of others.
We pray to the Lord .... Lord, hear our prayer.
7. For all the faithful departed, especially for the deceased members of the congregation founded by Blessed Edmund, that the Lord may reward them in the glory of his eternal Kingdom.
We pray to the Lord .... Lord, hear our prayer.
Father, hear the prayers of your people. Give us what you inspired us to ask you for in faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord, accept the gifts we bring in memory of Blessed Edmund. May our sharing in this mystery of your love help us to live the example of that love. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord, Amen.
The Lord's Prayer
We stand and together we pray the prayer that Christ himself gave us. (can be sung if appropriate).
Sign of Peace
We are a community that models itself on the life and Charism of Blessed Edmund. We are people who are gifted with the Holy Spirit and we show Christ's love to all that we meet, and so we offer each other the sign of peace.
Prayer After Communion
May we go forth with compassion and courage in our hearts to work together for the coming of God's Kingdom of justice, love and peace, Amen.