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We are a loose network of organisations, groups and individuals across the world seeking to continue the spirit of Edmund Rice.

We gather around a set of core values, supporting one another on the journey, open to being transformed along the way. Together we create space and times of quiet to allow God into our lives, that we might be nourished. We gather for storytelling, listening, being present and healing, to be able to say "God is here". We are conscious of being wounded healers, broken, sinful, humble and vulnerable, but we are also committed to sharing the dream of fullness of life for all.

As a young man, Edmund, with a group of friends, immersed in the world of work and family life, formed a little Gospel community active in the city of Waterford. They shared prayer and spiritual reading, and they combined this with active outreach to the destitute, street children, orphans, prisoners, slaves and immigrants.

Today, living out of a new consciousness of the interconnection of all life, groups of people inspired by the story of Edmund's life form small groups or communities that journey and converse together, stepping outside their comfort zones in respectful service. We seek to make a difference to the lives of marginalised people through compassionate presence. We are committed to living simply as a way of remaining in touch with the reality of the world. For us being "drawn by mystery" involves a real crossing of bridges, new beginnings, fresh hope and letting go ‘the chains with which you would bind me’.


Edmund Rice England & Edmund Rice Development - Empowerment of Girls and Women in Sierra Leone

Westcourt Centre, Belfast and Edmund Rice - International Campaign to end Homelessness 

ERI Global Youth Ambassadors


Season of Creation Resources
Laudato Si Action Platform 
EREBB Global Classrooms 
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 
Right To Education 
17 Global Goals (SDGs) 
Fratelli Tutti



ERD Newsletter


Global Week of Action on Homelessness

3-day Workshop on Human Rights & Advocacy - January 27-29. Contact ERI


Please let us know of any events you are planning and we will help advertise them.



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