Coming to Appreciate Jesus Anew
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We live at a time of wonderful biblical scholarship, the flowering of a century of professional and faith-filled exploration of the context and culture of Jesus of Nazareth, of the biblical texts and of the meaning of all of this for our lives as Christians today.
What follows is a sample of some of the resources available on-line, without mention of the impressive books which are available.
Perspective on the World of Jesus
PDF Tissa Balasuriya - Return To Jesus
PDF José Pagola - Jesus, A Historical Approximation (notes)
PDF Albert Nolan - A Prophet and a Mystic
VIDEO John Shelby Spong: Re-Casting the Christ Story
VIDEO Cynthia Bourgeault - Jesus and Sacred Wisdom
VIDEO The World of Jesus - John Dominc Crossan
VIDEO Jesus the Jew - But What Sort of Jew? John P. Meier
VIDEO Why Jesus Matters - Marcus Borg
VIDEO Ken Bailey on The Birth of Jesus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
VIDEO Ken Bailey on The Prodigal Son Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
VIDEO Ken Bailey on The Good Shepherd (Lk. 15, Ps. 23, Mt. 18) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The Gospel according to Mark: Literary Features & Thematic Emphases
PDF Jesus in the Quantum Context by Diarmuid Ó Murchú
PDF The Kingdom of God - John Fuellenbach
VIDEOS The Gospel of John - John Shelby Spong (series of talks)
VIDEO The New Testament: An Evolving Story - John Shelby Spong
PODCAST John Dominic Crossan - The Birth of Jesus
PODCAST The First Christmas - Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan
PODCAST John Dominic Crossan - Jesus The Parable of God
PODCAST Jesus, The Last Week - John Dominic Crossan
VIDEO The Passion of Jesus: Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter - Marcus Borg
Sister Joan Chittister - The Divine Feminine: The Foundation of the Abrahamic World
VIDEO An Ecological Inquiry - Jesus and the Cosmos, Elizabeth Johnson
VIDEO The Power of the Word - Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza
VIDEO Judaism, Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls - Lawrence Schiffman
VIDEO In Search of the Historical Jesus - Craig Blomberg
VIDEO The Real Jesus: New evidence from history and archeology - Paul Maier
The Historical Jesus - John Dominic Crossan
The Contemplative Society - Cynthia Bourgeault
Home for Evolving Mystics - Bruce Sanguin - Brother David Steindl‑Rast
BIBLE Divine Feminine Translation
VIDEO Why Christianity as We Know It is Dying - John Shelby Spong
VIDEO What a New Christianity for a New World will Contain - John Shelby Spong